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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Visit at Ulan Orphanage

December 7th, 2010

Ulan Orphanage

Over 1,000 children are helped through Interlink Resources’ work with 7 orphanages and boarding schools in the Taraz region.

About 60% of the children who live in Kazakhstan orphanages have a mother or father that is living. Many have been removed from their homes through legal action or have been given up by parents who because of personal problems or financial reasons are unable to care for their children. Interlink cares for these children by building relationships and meeting physical needs.

Today we went to visit the orphanage called Ulan. There were 7 girls between the ages of 5 and 9 and the rest of the girls were in school. Some of them go to public school in the morning and the others go in the afternoon. They share the same uniform to go to school. One of the girls in today’s group was brought to the orphanage years ago after she was hit by car because her parents could no longer care for her. Today she is doing really well and is very smart and was smiling the whole time we were there.

Ulan was founded in 1994, Ulan Orphanage provides for the needs of approximately 160school aged Kazakh children in the city of Taraz. These Kazakh speaking children live in groups according to age so often siblings are not together. Children at Ulan have the opportunity to learn much about their Kazakh heritage through dance, song, and other activities. A Delegation from the USA is brought to Taraz each summer to participate in Ulan’s summer camp.

Fil and I helped them with some arts and crafts activity that they really enjoyed doing. The girls were very receptive towards us and loved the one to one attention they were getting. We love being with them and to help in any way we can makes us feel good too.

Here are some pictures of our arts and crafts activity and a picture of their bedroom which had 13 beds.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say you guys are great for taking time and brightening up these kids day !!

    Especially with the Holidays around the corner i am sure these kids could use a little extra TLC !!
