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Dylan Korkem CasaCalenda

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 27th, 2010

We were supposed to have our observation day on the 27th but it was postponed for the 28th because the judge was busy with another couple’s court case. The 28th the judge postponed our observation day again (date unknown) because he was busy with another couple’s court case. No hurry in having our observation because the judge will only be giving us our decision mid January because he’s too busy with all these files and also because of the holidays.
Very disappointed, especially after we were told we would be getting our decision before the New Year............... BUT, it is what it is and we wait.

1 comment:

  1. Ah! Sorry guys! Hang in there. It will happen. Also, I LOVE LOVE LOVE all your photos of celebrations and parties! You are blessing many. :)

    Love, wendy
