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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our Apartmant at Interlink Office!!!

December 1st, 2010

As most of you know this is our 3rd trip to Kazakhstan. We have been very fortunate to have lived in very comfortable homes while in Kazakhstan. Our 1st trip we lived in a big house with another Canadian couple, our 2nd trip we lived in a very big apartment and now our 3rd trip we live in the guestroom of the company Interlink. The Interlink office is a Huge 3 storey house with offices on the main and top floor. Interlink office also has a security guard in the basement 24 hrs 7 days a week. Our apartment is upstairs and it consists of 3 connecting rooms. We walk in through the bathroom and then into the living room & office and then into the bedroom. It's spacious, very bright and clean. The kitchen is on the main floor and we share it with the staff during the week. We are very comfortable and very happy that Vicki and Beth offered us this place. We don’t have a washing machine but we really don’t mind washing clothes by hand because it gives us some work to do during the day. Here are some pictures of the Interlink office and our apartment on the top floor.

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