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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Needy families

Second family we delivered goods to was a single mom with a 3 year old son.

December 28th, 2010

Today Vicki and some of her staff went to deliver some food for 2 needy families and Fil and I also went.
The 1st family had 6 kids, the oldest is 13 years old and the youngest is 7 months old. Her husband passed away 1 year ago and now had a new boyfriend. They all live in a very small place. My jaw fell to the floor when we walked in because I could not believe the living conditions of this family. It smelled horrible, the house was in very bad condition that you would never imagine a family of 8 living in there. Tears were rolling down my face when I saw 4 of the 6 kids who were so dirty and had the saddest faces I’ve ever seen. I was hiding because I did not want them to see me and I didn’t want to offend them either. I’ve delivered food and toys many times at Christmas time in Canada to needy families but I have never seen this in my entire life. All I kept thinking was, “and I’m complaining about my problems that our adoption is difficult and that our decision has been delayed 2 weeks”. It doesn’t mean I’m not hurt at the fact of being taken advantage of or the fact of being treated so inhuman but it gives me a different prospective on life and my little problems.

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