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Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Very Meaningful Gift.... something to think about!!

You know there are a lot of children who are not as fortunate as Dylan and many other kids who will eventually be adopted. There are many reasons why kids here will not get adopted either because they are older (less demand) or they are not adoptable because their parents have not signed the consent form to get them adopted or are disabled or have serious illnesses. So MOST of these kids will remain in the orphanage until they are 16 and then let out in the real world where they will struggle to survive. What Vicki and Beth and the rest of the staff at Interlink are trying to put in practice at a very young age are activities and education to try to prepare them for the real world.

Vicki, and her staff at Interlink visit the several different orphanages in Taraz very regularly and do many activities with the kids and caregivers. One of Vicki’s objectives is to teach the caregivers the different types of activities to do with the kids at a very young age to improve their fine motor skills. She also tries to educate them by teaching them to be more independent.

As we’ve mentioned before, Interlink is a small non-profit humanitarian aid organization operating in Taraz to support orphaned kids (mostly older kids who are less likely to be adopted). Interlink works hard to teach these kids and their caregivers self-respect and responsibility, and provides them with stimulating arts and crafts, games, birthday parties, and other activities.

We would like to ask you a small and very Special Favor during this holiday season to make a donation of your choice to Interlink. We know the people who run Interlink and have seen with our very own eyes all the hard work they do and we know that every dollar donated will be put to good use towards these kids.

Being here in Kazakhstan for many months and visiting orphanages and visiting the city it’s hard not to notice the difference of what kids have here and what kids have in Canada. In Canada the kids have the big expensive toys and have the expensive name brand clothes and here they are happy with just the simple little things.

Your donation can be made through this link:

Vicki and Beth from Interlink have an Amazing and VERY POWERFUL ENERGY that you just cannot help but FEEL GOOD when you are around them.
We love to hear all their stories about the different things they’ve done for the kids. Some of the stories are happy and some of them are really sad.
One thing I’m sure Vicki doesn’t realize is she is also teaching us to be better people and to appreciate what we have by her sharing all her experiences and her stories with us.

There is one line that she teaches the kids and says all that time and

You have two choices in life:
“You can either Live Your Life Focusing on What You Don’t Have or
Live your Life Being Grateful and Thankful for What You DO Have.”

We would like to Thank all our readers, family and friends who have been following us through this journey and Dylan would like to thank all of you who will be making a donation to help out all his buddies left behind.
Spasiba = Thank you in Russian
Rahmet = Thank you in Kazakh

P.s. Today December 2nd is one year we met Dylan for the 1st time. One year is a long time but we remember that precious day like it was yesterday.

The 1st picture is Vicki Charbonneau who is Kids Connection Facilitator / Artist
and the 2nd one is Beth Turnock who is the Taraz Dirctor at Interlink.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys, This was very touching and it is with great gratitude that Joe and I are honoured to make a donation and be able to help even one kid.
    It breaks my heart to think of these kids and i am sure it is even more difficult for you and everyone at Interlink having met them.
    Miss you guys tons,
    Give Dylan a HUGE kiss from us,
    love you,
