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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Left to right: Marcia from the US, Me, Annie from Mtl, Nathalie from Mtl &
Katrin from Germany.
Home Made French Fries
Pasta Salad
Carrot Salad
Our adorable Kazakh Grandma
Wallie and Fil
Apa (grandmother in Kazakh) and Anara

December 31st, 2010

Tonight we went to celebrate the end of a difficult year and the beginning of a great year. Our 1st trip to Kazakhstan was Nov/2009 (when we met Dylan for the 1st time) but the nightmare was throughout all of 2010 with all the problems and complications with the adoptions in Taraz.
Annie and Eric invited us Again at their place to celebrate with the other adopting families. Once again Annie and Eric were great hosts and Annie prepared a delicious meal. Merci beaucoup Annie et Eric!!!

Around 11:30, Wallie (the landlord next door) came to ask us if we wanted to go celebrate the new year at his place and we all accepted and went over.
Midnight came, popped the champagne and then everyone ran outside. We all followed to see the excitement outside. Every single household had fireworks and fire crackers. It was insane and sooooo dangerous. People of all ages just throwing them all over the place. It was different, very loud but nice to see the fireworks everywhere you looked. We partied and had a great time. Now we understand why the security guard at Interlink asked us at what time we were coming home that evening, because if we would’ve come home between 12:00 and 1:00 am he would never have heard the door bell at the gate with all the noise of the fireworks and we would’ve waited outside the gate in the cold for a long time.

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