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Dylan Korkem CasaCalenda

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Decision Day

This is how we celebrated our night of the positive decision. In our living room in our new apartment, we had cereal for supper, cheese and crackers & chips. We were on Skype with friends and family and making toasts through the computer with a couple of drinks of vodka and juice. Getting many phone calls, many emails and messages through facebook was the way we spent the whole night!!!

January 14, 2010

We’re having some difficulty responding to the many e-mails, phone calls and questions via Facebook, so might as well update the blog and hit 3 birds with one stone!!!!

How did it go Jan/11/2011?

Well we went to our regular bonding session in the morning from 9:30 to 11:30 and went home to wait for 5:30 to go to court to get our decision.
Around 12:30 while Fil and I were doing some groceries, we got a call from our coordinator Vera telling us there has been a change of plan..........our hearts started to pump really fast and said to ourselves, what now? She said she had received a call from the courts because the judge and prosecutor requested an observation (to see how Dylan interacts with us) and it was scheduled for 2:00.
We got worried because we thought it was already done when they came for the other 2 couples. So we went back to the baby house for 2:00 and the judge, prosecutor and the rest of his company came and observed us for about 20 minutes. Everything went great during observation and we were relieved it was over and done with and went back home.
We thought our decision would be delayed AGAIN and waited until 5:00 and there were no phone calls so we got ready and went to court.

Got in court and the judge read his 2 page decision and we could not understand anything except that he repeated Filomeno Casacalenda, Maria Michelina Colasurdo at least 4 or 5 times. At the end of all that Vera whispered, it’s positive!!!!! We were so shocked and started to cry and Fil then said his speech, thanking the judge and prosecutor for making our dream come true. He mentioned there are many friends and family back home who have not even met Korkem and they already love him and can’t wait to meet him. He told them we would take very good care of him and that we would tell him where he came from and we would teach him about Kazakhstan.
Once we were outside I just hugged Medet and Vera and was crying like a real baby in their arms.......... finally tears of joy with this adoption.

We had said when we would get the positive decision we would celebrate and drink until we drop, but we didn’t. We skyped with our friends and family and we were making toasts to each other through the computer. We enjoyed our simple night, announcing our good news and just hearing and reading everyone’s reactions through emails, facebook, telephone and Skype. There was no need to get drunk because the adrenaline we had from winning was more than enough.

Our sincere thoughts are with the remaining 3 from Taraz 10, Nathalie & Christoph (Canada), Katrin &Ernie (Germany), Marcia & Randy (USA) and also with Carol (USA) who is not part of the Taraz 10 because she came after all these problems. We hope things start moving a little faster for you and we can finally end this chapter once and for all!!!

What’s Next??

After our court decision, we begin waiting for the 2 week appeal. The 2 week appeal ends Jan/26/2011 and if everything goes well, Dylan will come out of the baby house on Jan/27/2011 and we officially have him for life. We thought this 2 week appeal would be a little less stressing, but it’s really not.
We cannot wait until Jan/27/2011 to get the Official last yes and we can’t wait for the moment we carry him out of the baby house!!!! His 2nd birthday is on Jan/28/2011 and this will be a very special day because we were not with him for his 1st birthday.
After he comes out of the baby house on Jan/27/2011 we have to wait 4 to 6 weeks to get all his paper work. They can only begin his paper work once he’s out of the baby house when he gets the Final Yes from the courts.

The documents that need to be done for him are:
1- Birth & Adoption Certificates
2- Passport

3- Permanent Resident Stamp
4- Visa

So if everything goes as planned with no complications or delays it looks like we’ll be heading back to Canada end of Feb or beginning of March.
We’ll see how it goes and hope that everything goes as planned so we can hurry and bring Dylan home and introduce him to the world. The new family of 3 will have a month alone together to really bond and get to know each other properly. We’ll try to establish some kind of routine (or maybe not) just make him feel secure and give him a chance to understand that we are the 2 most important people in his life!!

1 comment:

  1. OMG Quelle histoire, encore une fois vous m'avez fait pleurer mais cette fois-ci des larmes de joie pour votre nouvelle famille. J'ai super hâte au 27 janvier au moins vous allez avoir votre garçon tout le temps avec vous autres, it's about time, enjoy it and come home safe.

    Linda xox
